The Real Reason Companies Have a Shredding Service…

Disposing of documents safely is something that most businesses have become used to prioritising. There may be many different motivations for this but at the heart of them all there tends to be one overarching factor: respect. Over the past couple of years the importance of data has been underlined by new regulation and by the experiences of those who have suffered the very public consequences of a lack of data security.  That’s why respect for data is now one of the main motivating factors in why companies partner with a shredding service.

How can you improve your business’ data security in 2019?

Data Security can involve all aspects of your business. From how you store or dispose of your physical documents and IT hardware. Recent regulation of GDPR 2018 is a regulation to make sure you have a process in place to protect personal information and how it is processed. The correct way of disposing of unwanted physical documentation and potentially IT hardware is a small but important aspect of how you and your business are GDPR compliant.

How to protect your business from identity theft

Identity theft is a serious problem in the UK. With more than 500 individual identities stolen every day, the chances are high that you – or someone you know – could end up becoming a victim of this unsettling crime. It’s not just individuals who are targeted by cybercriminals looking to benefit from pretending to be someone else but businesses too. From running up fraudulent credit to using falsely obtained financial details, the consequences can be severe. So, how can you protect your business from identity theft?
