Why Shred On Site? A Look at the Environmental Impact of Professional Shredding Services

If your business is looking to reduce its environmental impact then investing in professional shredding services with Shred on Site is a great way to do this. We all know that shredding is vital for protecting confidential data, fulfilling compliance objectives and ensuring business and personal security but did you know that it’s also good for the environment? According to research by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US, the impact of shredding, in terms of reducing environmental impact, could be very positive indeed.

Why is shredding documents important?

In any office environment, shredding is a vital part of the document lifecycle. Many organisations handle confidential information and not disposing of this properly can create a multitude of problems. Most workplaces are not yet paper free today and this can mean documents accumulate, creating opportunities for data theft to take place and exposing the business to consequences. These are just some of the reasons why shredding documents is so important.

Why is a certificate of destruction important?

Data security is incredibly important for all businesses today. Since the pandemic, the number of data thefts has been on the rise and remote working has significantly increased the budget that any enterprise now needs to set aside to defend against this type of attack. Given the context of a much tighter regulatory environment (thanks to the GDPR) where fines can be significant it’s more important than ever before for organisations to have key paperwork, such as a certificate of destruction, in place.


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.