We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.
We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.

On-site Paper Shredding & Secure Document Destruction ServicesFor questions and advice or to get a free quote, call us on 0800 181 4106.

Welcome to Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding and on-site document destruction company.

item Secure Consoles
item Scheduled Collection
item On-site Shredding

Which is best… on-site or offsite shredding?

Shredding has become a crucial part of infrastructure for every business today. From helping to ensure that data protection requirements are being met, to enabling a more sustainable business by embracing recycling, there are many ways in which shredding has been employed to help businesses do better. When it comes to business shredding there is usually a simple choice: on-site or off-site. So, which one of these is likely to be right for you?

How does shredding fit into your compliance plan for 2018?

Data protection compliance is about to get a whole lot more challenging. In May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in the UK bringing with it a whole raft of new requirements that significantly tighten up data compliance. Destruction of data is a key part of safe data handling so if you’re taking steps now to ensure compliance for 2018, shredding potentially has a significant role to play.
