We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.
We carry out secure paper shredding and document destruction services across a wide range of industries from small SMEs and private households through to large blue-chip organisations. With hub centres throughout the UK, we're here to help.

On-site Paper Shredding & Secure Document Destruction ServicesFor questions and advice or to get a free quote, call us on 0800 181 4106.

Welcome to Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding and on-site document destruction company.

item Secure Consoles
item Scheduled Collection
item On-site Shredding

How can your business prevent fraud through on-site shredding?

Every year, organisations lose around 5% of their annual revenue to fraud. For small businesses without serious checks and balances in place this percentage can be even higher. The impact of fraud is something that has made a lot of headlines – financial cost, reputational damage and a loss of employee or customer trust are just a few of the consequences that can arise as a result.

Is Your Company Prepared for a Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware has become the most common way for cyber criminals to attack businesses. In fact, around 60% of ‘malware payloads’ are now ransomware. This type of threat can come in two distinct formats: ransomware that blocks access to systems and the type that encrypts files and systems and holds them hostage until payment is provided in return for a decryption key.

The Real Reason Companies Have a Shredding Service…

Disposing of documents safely is something that most businesses have become used to prioritising. There may be many different motivations for this but at the heart of them all there tends to be one overarching factor: respect. Over the past couple of years the importance of data has been underlined by new regulation and by the experiences of those who have suffered the very public consequences of a lack of data security.  That’s why respect for data is now one of the main motivating factors in why companies partner with a shredding service.
