Secure Recycling and Shredding

What are the biggest benefits of recycling paper as part of your shredding strategy?

It’s increasingly common for businesses to be aware of the different impacts they are having on the world around them, whether this is environmental, financial or social. Businesses waste huge volumes of recyclable waste every year, so as companies reduce their waste and begin to realise their corporate social responsibility to recycle paper waste, then this can create a large reduction in unnecessary waste.

Shred-on-Site are proud sponsors in aid of cancer research

A long time friend of the Shred-on-Site team has recently taken part in the New York Half Marathon to raise money for cancer research charities. Following the heart-breaking death of his young daughter to Leukaemia some years ago, he decided to run to raise money for a charity close to his heart to help other suffering with the disease.

Is on-site shredding the most secure method for document destruction in your business?

Many businesses these days are turning to on-site shredding for security purposes and for a safer overall office environment. Our company can dispose of any unwanted paper materials together with hard disks or drives. Consider the legal implications of holding personal data and the damage to your businesses reputation if personal or sensitive information fell into the wrong hands. On-site shredding is also a great way to clear up unwanted paper documents around the work place.

Data security myths debunked

Whatever progressions or growth you’re looking to make to your company, digital or physical, it’s vital to have your data security at the forefront of all that you do. Failure to comply with UK Data Protection legislation can result in significant legal penalties, fines and ongoing brand reputation damage. Keeping your confidential information secure at all times is therefore essential, for your own, in-house data as well as that of your customers. With that in mind, here are some security myths that we have debunked:

Is it time to reassess your information security procedures?

For many businesses, the New Year presents an ideal opportunity to reassess in-house policies and procedures to see what can be made more efficient. One area that it could be time to take another look at is your information security.

Information security failures

The financial implications of information and data breaches are significant, with many amounting to millions of pounds for large companies for a single incident. There are not only financial implications, but legal penalties and long term reputational repercussions.

Could Outsourcing Your Shredding Actually Decrease Your Security Risks?

Shredding confidential business documents is important for the security and protection of your company, and of your customers’ information. Organisations are under a constant threat of data breaches, identity theft and forgery risks if they don’t have the right measures in place to dispose of confidential information that is no longer needed. However, these threats and risk can be mitigated significantly by shredding confidential documents. So how can outsourcing the task of shredding decrease the security risks of your organisation?

Q&A: Top Shredding Questions from 2016

As 2016 comes to an end, what are some of the most common questions we have come across this year from enquiries about our services? Here are some questions you should have a think about if you’re considering opting for shredding services in the New Year, or simply renewing your current strategy:

On Site Shredding

Do the benefits of on-site shredding outweigh those of off-site shredding?

For companies looking to shred and recycle their waste paper and no-longer-needed documents, there is a range of shredding options. The two categories that these fall under are on-site and off-site shredding, but which is the best option for your company?

An introduction to on-site shredding

On-site shredding does what it says on the tin – specialised shredding vans come right to your premises and carry out the shredding process on-site. When compared to the alternative of off-site shredding there are a number of potential alternatives for your business:

The top 3 benefits of shredding your confidential waste

Shredding confidential waste may seem like a no-brainer, but have you actually ever stopped to think about why you should do it, on a personal or company level? More and more companies are now choosing to outsource their secure shredding to ensure that it’s carried out to a satisfactory level. With this in mind, what are the top 3 benefits of shredding your confidential waste?
