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3 Ways In-house Shredding Increases Your Protection

In an office environment danger doesn’t just come from outside sources; it can come from within your own company walls. This is why shredding is becoming a more and more crucial part of office life.

Lockable Veneered Consoles can offer greater protection

Having a shredder in the office greatly increase privacy, but without the proper measures taken to protect that privacy it could all be for nothing! All those bags of important documents need to be kept somewhere. An individual storage provides a safe and secure place for them to go.

secure shredding

5 reasons to get rid of your paper shredder and enlist expert help

Most organisations are aware of the risks associated with not destroying confidential information, and many have a shredding policy in place to mitigate this risk. Handling this in-house can often cause more problems than removing them, especially when there are issues with the security of shredding. It can take time to shred all of your documents in-house, and it’s almost always insufficient to make sure that your business is fully compliant with all data protection legislation.
