Shredding Collection

Stop Cutting Corners and Start Cutting Paper

Manually shredding paper requires motivation and time. Commodities we can’t afford to waste frivolously. Many businesses do not see the value of paper shredding and would rather resource their staff to other areas of their business. Cutting corners around data protection is dangerous and has landed many companies in hot water before. How then, do we ensure businesses are being sensible with their security? There is no definitive answer to that question as it is down to every individual enterprise to intentionally comply with legislation.

Paper Shredding

Data has transformed how we work

Data has always been beneficial, but it holds more value today than ever before. In 2011 we created 1.8 Zettabytes of data, which would take 57.5 billion iPads to store it all – you could theoretically build a mountain of iPads 25x higher than Mount Fuji. Technology has grown sufficiently enough to enable us to do this through mediums such as - social media, blogs, games, resources, libraries, music, films… the list is endless. The data we have stored in the cloud or in our hard drives is invaluable, confidential and more often than not, too easily accessed.
Secure Shredding Process

Why Use Document Shredding Specialists?

Many businesses understand the importance of protecting their data but surprisingly few use document shredding specialists to help dispose of confidential paperwork. While offices pledge to become paper free, there is still a large amount of waste generated by the modern office and this is another reason why companies should choose shredding services.



About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.