Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget leo at velit imperdiet varius. In eu ipsum vitae velit congue iaculis vitae at risus. Nullam tortor nunc, bibendum vitae semper a, volutpat eget massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla, orci sit amet posuere auctor, orci eros pellentesque odio, nec pellentesque erat ligula nec massa. Aenean consequat lorem ut felis ullamcorper posuere gravida tellus faucibus. Maecenas dolor elit, pulvinar eu vehicula eu, consequat et lacus. Duis et purus ipsum. In auctor mattis ipsum id molestie.

Shredding Vehicle

We welcome our Seventh Mobile Shredding Vehicle

Shred-on-Site has celebrated our sixth year of successful trading by adding to our ranks, a brand new mobile shredding vehicle. We felt it was such a great achievement, that we should expand our already growing capabilities so more companies can benefit from our services.
Shredding Truck

We Paid the Price for their Mistake

NHS Surrey has been fined £200,000 for a massive oversight in their security procedures.  This has caused uproar across the nation as we find ourselves paying the price for their improper handling of sensitive data. 
Paper Shredding Specialists

Equipping your Staff will Improve your Security

So often we overestimate the knowledge of our workforce.  We assume all of our employees have a good understanding of Data Protection and are adamant to be secure. Alas, this is rarely the case. Your average worker will have little to no knowledge on Data Protection and certainly won’t pay much attention to curity. Shred-on-Site is urging managers and owners nationwide to equip their team with the paper shredding know-how and facilities. This will enable them to be proficient in maintaining your companies’ security obligations. 

Sorting paper

The Security Implications to Shredding Off-Site

Paper shredding confidential data is more than simply complying with the law – it is protecting you from fraud and theft. Data related crimes are on the rise and so too is the amount of data we’re creating. We need to be sure that we protecting this data by disposing of it correctly and consistently.

Adam Chandler

Managing Director

Steve Geeves

Sales Director

Scott Chandler

Ops Director
