Protect your business legally and show you care using on-site shredding services

Protect your business legally and show you care using on-site shredding services

It seems that more frequently data breach stories hit the headlines. The recent TalkTalk hacking demonstrated that even the most established large corporations need to be aware of their security all the time, and they need take measures to prevent occurrences like this. The general public are becoming increasingly aware of the security risks that they take when providing data to businesses, which is why you should have a strong data protection scheme in place and shred your documents onsite, to show them that you are committed to keeping the data confidential.

On Site Shredding

Boost your in-house security using secure, on site paper shredding

Security threats can occur from outside of your company through data breaches, or in house through lack of care and human error. Having the highest possible security policies is vital to maintaining a secure working environment where there is a reduced risk of sensitive information being shared with the wrong people.

How Paper Shredding Helps The Nation Recycle

How Paper Shredding Helps The Nation Recycle

Did you know that around 49% of the nation’s yearly recycling is down to the secure document destruction industry? With tons of paper being shredded on a daily basis, it’s necessary for companies such as Shred-on-Site to be on the cutting edge of supporting the country’s national recycling commitment. Our aim to lower the amount of paper waste created that goes into landfills remains at the forefront of everything we do, as well as increasing the amount of paper that we recycle.


About Us

Shred-on-Site is a can-do organisation that believes in providing excellent service through exceptional people. We take care of all your shredding needs whilst delivering outstanding value for money.