Shredded Paper

The Dangers we face from Remote Working

Technological advances in cloud computing is changing how businesses are operating. Not only are we becoming more digital; but we are also becoming more agile. Meaning, employees can work from the comfort of their homes whilst remaining fully productive, efficient and resourced. This poses its own set of risks on a number of fronts, some of which are easily controllable. By implementing these simple steps, you can drastically improve your ability to control sensitive data securely. 

Secure Shredding

Why Use Document Shredding Specialists

Identity theft is rife and it not only occurs to individuals but also to businesses, their employees, and their customers. As well as ensuring that your employees’ data is secure you can also ensure the integrity of your business while maintaining your reputation. If a customer’s data were to be stolen and it was determined that this theft took place on your premises, imagine the loss of reputation that you could suffer and the financial implication of this loss. Through the use of document shredding specialists it is possible to prevent such loss from occurring but why use a commercial company rather than doing it yourself?

Shredding Truck

Trust is a Must in Business

So much of business rests on reputation and brand image. A good brand image is difficult to achieve and astonishingly easy to lose.  Once a negative image is acquired then profit margins will be directly affected. A security breach will smear your efforts and leave you stumbling to pick up the pieces. If you want to attain new; and preserve current business, you will need to appear as a secure solution. Secure document destruction will minimalise the risk of security breaches and safeguard your brands image. 
Shredding Collection

Recycling is something for us all

The world has moved green, but we all need to be doing our part to make it work. So many of us at home are happy to separate plastics and cardboard away from the rubbish bin, but when we get to work those good practices; quite literally go to waste. It’s understandable that in the working environment, where rushing around and deadlines takeover, it’s easy to forget.
Shredding Collection

Some Interesting Facts about Paper Shredding

Shred-on-Site has acquired years of invaluable expertise in the field of paper shredding. We have found that there are some large knowledge gaps in the document destruction industry. These holes may be hindering the views and opinions of businesses causing them make misinformed decisions. Further down the line, these judgements can prove to be costly as they are inadequate and not full proof.

Mobile Shredding Truck

Time Management with your Paper Shredding

Time is such a valuable commodity; managing it effectively can mean the difference between success and failure. So much so businesses invest thousands of pounds into automation software to free up their workforce and make them more productive. Time is important, but then so is security. Balancing an effective paper shredding policy into your busy work schedule may seem impossible - where there is a will there is a way. 

Shredding Collection

Small Businesses Need to Change their Attitude - Paper Shredding

The relaxed attitude towards security held by many small business owners is creating a boom period for fraud and theft. This isn’t great news for any of us, particularly when such simple issues can be prevented. Document shredding specialists like Shred-On-Site are determined to resource and educate business owners about managing their paper shredding policy more effectively. This helps reduce the on-going external and internal security threats we are all facing.

Shredding receptacle

Shred it all – What Needs to be Destroyed

It’s incredible how much valuable and sensitive data we are throwing away that should’ve been destroyed. Most documents are holding some sort of confidential information that could pose a security threat if it fell into the wrong hands. Despite this, most organisations are very laissé faire when it comes to their paper shredding policies. To combat this attitude I’ve compiled a list of some documents that you should be shredding and why. 
