secure shredding

5 reasons to get rid of your paper shredder and enlist expert help

Most organisations are aware of the risks associated with not destroying confidential information, and many have a shredding policy in place to mitigate this risk. Handling this in-house can often cause more problems than removing them, especially when there are issues with the security of shredding. It can take time to shred all of your documents in-house, and it’s almost always insufficient to make sure that your business is fully compliant with all data protection legislation.

Paper Shredding

Go green and save the planet with on-site paper shredding

A growing number of businesses are beginning to go green after customers are beginning to expect them to take responsibility for saving the planet. Many companies are at least starting to consider more seriously the environmental impact that they are having on the Earth and how this can be reduced. Since over 12.5 million tonnes of paper is used annually within the UK alone, and less than 70% is recycled, it’s important for each of us to do what we can to reduce paper waste. An easy way for businesses to do this is to implement a paper shredding policy.

Secure Shredding for the Legal Sector

How secure shredding can improve confidentiality for the legal sector

As with any sector, protecting customer data and complete confidentiality are essential. Many large companies process a huge volume of data over a period of time, increasing the amount stored in-house and filed. This also means that a large amount of paper containing confidential legal information can accumulate as data is no longer relevant, and the records are no longer required.

Secure Shredding

3 ways to increase your in-house security

Many security threats come from inside your company. Confidential information can get into the wrong hands where sufficient security procedures are not in place. Whether this is by accident through lack of data handling training, or intentional, there’s a number of ways that you can reduce this risk by increasing your in-house security measures.

Sustainable Shredding

Contribute to sustainability by shredding paper

Over time people are gradually becoming more aware of the impact that we have on our planet and our growing responsibility to protect it. Every one of us has a part to play in contributing to a green society and reducing waste. Many businesses incorporate environmental sustainability into the ethos and values of their companies, and want to deal with waste in the most helpful way.

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Shredding process

The importance of shredding for the financial sector

Shredding of secure documents is a vital part of the security of every company, especially those dealing with large amounts of sensitive financial data. It is a legal requirement that all financial records are destroyed sufficiently once no longer needed, meaning that this is a priority for all banks, insurance providers, building societies, investment firms and other financial organisations.

Paper Shredding Process

How to meet public sector data protection guidelines easily

In general, public sector organisations process a higher volume of information that the private sector on a daily basis. With so much data passing through the system, if the right security measures are not in place, there could be significantly damaging results in the event of information getting into the wrong hands. As a holder of such a large amount of public information, the public sector is a huge target for theft and misuse of documents, making it even more important to take the necessary precautions to protect your company.

Shredding Collection

Secure Shredding requirements for the Health Service

Every business has its own security requirements, but none more than the National Health Service. Maintaining patient confidentiality is essential to build trust and protect individuals’ details. Disposing of patients’ medical records is vital to comply with UK legal requirements regarding private information. Ensuring that all paperwork is disposed of by shredding to a sufficient standard is a requirement of NHS and GP Privacy Policies.
